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The foundation stone for the innovative developments of STBS Bausysteme was laid by company founder Sandro Thronicke in 2012.
As a master tiler since 1999, he was able to gain a wide range of experience on construction sites on site as well as in the manufacturing industry.
He has held numerous management positions, such as application engineer at DEITERMANN, product manager at OTTO CHEMIE, head of product development at BLANKE and technical manager and authorised signatory at GUTJAHR Systemtechnik. Mr Thronicke gained further experience with his own expert office, which he has been running since 2006.
Sandro Thronicke has been able to register numerous inventions in the field of tile accessories in recent years through the above-mentioned companies, which are now being marketed with great success.
As a publicly appointed expert, he is in constant exchange with his colleagues and users in order to always stay close to the "ball". Continuous further training in Raesfeld or at the Tile and Natural Stone Association is part of this.
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